
Wonderking Level 80+ Characters

Friday, November 14, 2014

It's Coming Back

I have not written one of the post in a while due to lack of news, but after a long wait the time we have all been waiting for has arrived. You might be asking yourself what happened these last 3 years since the game shut down? Well I will tell you. Since the game was shut down the company who created the game, Ryu&Soft, has disbanded due to disagreements in the company. After they shut down our game a new company in South Korea bought it. This company is called ToWinGaming, and since they have bought it they have put in endless hours doing a total revival on the wonderking system. It is going to be playable in open beta in Korea on November 15th, 2014, and they have hopes to release the Open Beta in America before the beginning of the new year. What does this mean for us though? The theory is that they have released new content on the 4th advancements. All this about new content is speculation though as it has not officially been announced by the new developers. Thank You for your patience, and let's give a round of applause to the new creators of our game for making our dreams a reality!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good afternoon wonderking followers, as of the 8th of January 2013 we have gotten a new message the wonderking creators and team which stated the following: To our valued players and community, First and foremost, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all of our loyal WonderKing players and community members. WonderKing would be nothing without its community, and we do our absolute best to keep you informed of the important news and information that could affect you! At this time, Ignited Games is still under negotiations with the WonderKing developers. Communication is open, yet several important details remain unanswered. As we continue discussions we ask that you remain patient and let us work to see that your needs are met. Your enthusiasm is contagious! We receive heartwarming and tear-jerking testimonies from WonderKing fans all the time, and we assure you: your craving will not go unsatisfied! Thank you everyone for all your patience and support. 2013 will be a big year for Ignited Games. Please continue to check back regularly and stay updated! The WonderKing Team This is indeed big news because they could have wonderking back up and running by the end of this year. We will then all be able to replay our beloved game that has been offline for over a year now. Please to keep patient as I am sure they are doing everything in their power to fix the game. - Vison

Friday, June 1, 2012


Thank you for coming to my blog... so far there has been no new words on wonderkings conditions. I have calculated that wonderking will be back up and running in 2013 not this year, i know its disappointing, but the hackers had done to much damage and now we are paying for it. so i ask if you know a hacker please in form the gms when wonderking is back online. thank you for your support to wonderking.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The End

I regret to tell you this but the gms are shutting down wk for 6 months, this is to bring new content and patches for hacks. So Jentage and his hackers wont be able to hack wk for 6 monthes. When we get back we will show the gms our screen shots. so that we can keep all of our armor and weapons that is expensive. Anyone who has not screen shot their items are fools and will not get their items back if lost.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New content

Wonderking has yet to Add any new content, instead they are fighting with jentage who is the biggest hacker in wonderking. The problem with that is Jentage keeps breaking wonderking. If you see a pop up when you log on saying an error has occured it is usually Jentage. So please dont take alarm just do as the GMs say.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

PvP Continued

Ok there is one thing i forgot to tell you about PvPing. you get rewards for every 1-100 wins.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thank You

I would like to say thank you my viewers for helping me reach the 1000 viewers mark, our next goal is 10,000 so keep checking up on this blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011


The transition to ignited is pretty simple. Just uninstall wonderking, re-download it and then play but at the moment no one can log on cause ignited forgot to pay their bills. So you cant play at the moment sorry.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My photos

I wanted to warn you if there is no photos working ATM i dont know how to fix it. Well i will try to get this fixed.

Hackers again

Hello there is some hackers i wanted to warn you about such as the photo above he is not a hacker but he has a friend who is a hacker. If you make this guy mad he threatens to have his friend hack your account and delete your main. If that does happen there is no need to fear. Just email the gms and they can return your player and all of his armor. Also there are new check mark boxes under my post. They have 3 things you can check I would like you to check them so i know what i need to right more about.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wonderking Prices

I am here to tell you that the once expensive dark ancient cape has turned into a piece of dirt. You may now buy it for 1m because of some hackers. Now those of us with one cant sell them for hardly anything. Same thing as our unique Armageddons. Someone plussed one to 7 then sold them for 3m each. Now everyone has one on them. T.T

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Hackers

Here is proof of the hackers. The mount no one was suppose to know about. Yet the hackers copied it. With the hackers the 3rd advancement will take a while. So if you can find any hackers take a screen shot, read the In game name (IGN) and comment this blog(Including there IGN). I will warn u though everyone who may seem like a hacker might not be one. For example my friend MTHRiduz was given this mount and earrings from a hacker. So before reporting consider the source. By the way this mount is completely useless. If u are caught with one. You can and will be ban.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My friends blog.

Hey I thought I would ask you guys to help out my friends wonderking blog to get well known as well. Well his blog is wonderking-usa.blogspot.com

The Fastest Character

The fastest player in the game would use these gm items.(Only GM's can use) And it works best if you are a saint and have a great mount on. But again they are not hiring GMs right now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

That Time Of The Year

I'm sad to say that it is that time of the year again. It is the time of the year were hackers are coming back to wonderking. This has its ups and downs. First thing you need to know hacking is prohibited. If you are caught hacking you will be ban from wonderking. Second I do not approve of hacking even though it has its benefits. The reason the hackers come out about this time is because the game has made more better and expensive items. They want this economy to crash. Until they decide to raise them. Like the dark ancient cape. It use to cost 50m now it is selling for 1-5 m. A bad effect is there are some that will delete guilds. So be aware of hackers.